Delivery to ARUBA, BONAIRE or CuRACAO?


Currently, it is impossible to choose the option Aruba, Bonaire or Curaçao as your Island of Residence.

If you want your order to deliver to one of the ABC islands please follow the following procedure. 


  1. Complete your order and checkout.
  2. Use as Discount Code your Island of Residence in capital letters, ARUBA, BONAIRE or CURACAO.  
  3. Fill out the form "Enter address".
  4. If Aruba, Bonaire or Curaçao, is your island of Residence choose the option Netherlands Antilles as your country.
  5. At the bottom of the form you find an option to type a note.
  6. Type here your island of Residence.
  7. Click next step to complete your checkout process.

If you have any questions about this procedure please feel free to contact us  


Shipping Costs:

Aruba     € 9,95

Bonaire  € 9,95

Curaçao € 4,95